Usage of digital technology to engage attendees with live and on-demand presentations. Using several different technology platforms, including the Zoom, the Slack messaging service, and the other third-party app.

biomedical optics, biophotonics, industrial lasers, optoelectronics, microfabrication, MOEMS-MEMS, displays, and more.

2021 Topics to be discussed include but are not limited to:

• PEDA (Photonic-Electronic Design Automation): layout, placement and routing, floorplan, crosstalk, thermal,

process variation, etc.

• Photonic-electronic system integration and application: data center, HPC, automobile, aviation, etc.

• Photonics-based architecture: optical neural network, rack-scale optical network, inter/intra-chip optical net-

work, optical switching, etc.

• Photonic/optic circuits: OE conversion, optical interconnect, optical computing circuit, etc.

• Photonic device and fabrication: laser, photodetector, modulator, switch, filter, etc.